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Thursday, 25 August 2011

Dual degree (MTech+Ph.D) @ IIT Guwahati

Hello Everyone
Here is a very good opportunity for the engineering graduates who want to go for master’s and doctorate @ IIT. IIT-Guwahati has called applications for the dual degree (M.Tech+Ph.D) at its campus.
Have a look at the details.
Institute: Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
Programme: Dual (MTech+PhD) Degree Programme
: Minimum 3 years, and maximum 7 years from the date of admission.
Eligibilty: B.E/B.Tech in any discipline other than CSE or IT or equivalent, with any one of the following criteria (Please note that this programme is not meant for engineering graduates in computer or information technology related disciplines) :
o    CPI of 7.5 or marks of 70% and a valid GATE score in any subject, if the qualifying B E/B Tech degree is not from an IIT
o    CPI of 8.0, if the qualifying B Tech degree is from an IIT
o    CPI of 7.0 (or more) but less than 8.0,  a valid GATE score in any subject, if the qualifying B Tech degree is from an IIT

Student assistantship: Institute assistantships will be available to eligible Dual (MTech+PhD) degree programme students as per prevailing (MHRD, GOI) norms, as applicable from time to time. The present rates of assistantships are as below:
1st & 2nd Year:  Rs.16,000/- p.m.
3rd to 5th Year: Rs.18,000/- p.m.
Note:  No assistantship will be available beyond 5th year of the programme.
How to Apply:
Filled in application forms complete with copies of mark sheets/certificates and other testimonials and a DD for Rs.150/- (Rs.75/- for SC/ST/PD candidates) drawn in any nationalized bank and payable at Guwahati in favour of Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati should be sent to the Head, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, Guwahati – 781039, Assam, to reach on or before April 13, 2011.  The words “Application for admission in to Dual (MTech+PhD) Programme” must be written on the top of the envelope for sending the completed application form. 

Application fee: Rs. 150/
Selection procedure:The Institute reserves the right to call a limited number of candidates for written test or/and interview/portfolio review, if required, based on performance in GATE, grades/marks in the qualifying examination, etc.
Important Dates:
o    Deadline for downloading application form: April 06, 2011
o    Last dates for receipt of application form: April 13, 2011
Address: Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
Guwahati – 781039, Assam

Phone: 0361 - 2583000

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