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Sunday, 17 July 2011



 Pulichintala project on the river Krishna, estimated to cost Rs. 180 crore in 1988 impounds about 46 thousand million cubic feet (tm cft) of and directly benfits about 12 lakh acres of land in guntur & Krishna districts resulting in an additional yield of 3 qunitals of paddy per acre per year. The additional benfit was estimated ar Rs. 120 crore per year in 1988. The project generates 150 megawatts (MW) of electricity which will benfit  Nalgonda and guntur districts, the dam was 1290 metres long and 42 metres high is proposed to be built across the river krishna at Pulichintala village in Guntur district and nemalipuri village on other side of the river is Nalgonda district. The project is 120 km down stream project and above the prakasham barrage which goes waste into bay of bengal in August, September & October months in every year. The Pulichintala project which is a balancing reserviour with a capacity of 47 tm cft, doesnot have its own ayacut but strengthens the ayacutunder the prakasham barrage. The project does not have distributary canals, if pulichintala project becomes a reality, the ayacut under prakasham barrage need to depend on release of water from Nagarjuna sagar during nursery and transplantation of paddy periods the lower levels of water in nagarjuna sagar in august & september this year coupled with inadequate water in the prakasham barrage reserviour, transplantation of paddy in guntur and krishna district was delayed and the area under the paddy shrank. The pulichintala project will augment water in the prakasham barrage reserviour the surplus water impounded in the pulichintala reserviour will be released to the prakasham barrage reserviour  with rapid development  of 22 lakhs acre command area under the nagarjuna sagar project and constructions of dams in the upper reaches of krishna river in karnataka and maharastra , inflows into the prakasham barrage have been dwinding, dislocating the agricultural operations in the krishna delta . Incidentally the proposed project wil lreduce the road lenght  between chennai & Hyderabad by about 40 km and improves water table in parts of guntur and nalgonda districts adjoining the reserviour.

A balancing reservoir is proposed across river Krishna near Pulichinta Village in Guntur District ( 85.0 Km upstream of Prakasam barrage and 115.0 Km down stream of Nagarjuna Sagar Dam), for storing 45.77 TMC of water for stabilization of existing ayacut of 13.08 Lakh acres of Krishna delta and for early transplantation of paddy crop during June and July.
Administrative approval for Rs. 681.604 Crores was accorded by the Government vide G.O.Ms. No. 208 dt. 18-11-2005. Revised administrative approval for Rs. 1281.0 Crores was accorded by the Government vide G.O.Ms.No. 90 dt. 04-08-2009.  The construction of head works of the Project were entrusted to M/s Srinivasa Constructions Limited CR 18G JV, Hyderabad for their quoted amount of Rs. 268.87 Crores with a tender premium of less 18.4% and agreement concluded vide S.E’s agt. No. 1SE/2004-2005 Dt. 30/9/04.
All the mandatory clearances to proceed with the execution of the Project were received.
1.River Basin                                KRISHNA
2.Location                   Village     : Pulichinta
                            Mandal    : Bellamkonda ,Guntur Dist.
                            Longitude: 800 03' 33'' E
                            Latitude   : 160 46' 14'' N
3.Reservoir             Guntur & Nalgonda Districts
4.Head Works in     Guntur & Nalgonda Districts
5.Area under Irrigation Stabilisation of Krishna delta (13.08 Lakh Acres in       
   Guntur, Krishna, West Godavari and Prakasam districts)
6.Head Works                                                                           
   a) Total Length of concrete dam        = 934.00 M
      i)N.O.F. on Left side                     = 232.75 M,                                                                         
     ii) N.O.F. on Right side                  = 141.00 M &      
    iii) Length of spillway                     = 560.25 M         
   b) Earth dam                                  = 355.00M                                    
7. Crest Level                                    =+36.34 M     
8. Size & No. of Gates            =18.50 M x 17.00 M  &24 Nos.                   
9.T.B.L.                                            =+ 58.24 M
10.MWL/FRL                                      =+ 53.34 M
11.M.D.D.L.                                       =+ 42.67 M
12.Deepest bed level of Krishna River   =+ 21.58 M
13. Maximum Designed Flood discharge =57,700 Cumecs (20,37,656 c/s)
14) Catchment Area between N.S. Dam to
      Pulichintala dam site                     =20,028 Sq. Kms.             
15.Gross Storage Capacity                    =1296 M.Cum. (45.77 TMC)
16. Live Storage Capacity                     =1026 M.Cum. (36.23 TMC)
17. Storage at Crest(+36.34m)             =102.24 M.Cum(3.61 TMC)

1)Additional yield of Paddy can be achieved due to early transplantation of paddy crop, resulting an additional benefit to the ayactudars of Krishna delta every year.
2)Additional yield of pulses in Krishna delta resulting additional benefit every year.
3)Coconut trees can be grown on the bunds of nursery tanks which gives annual benefit.
4)Pisci culture can be developed in the reservoir to give an additional income
5)Hydro Electric power can be generated upto 120 MW.
•     Administrative Approval             = Rs. 681.604 Cr.
•     Revised Administrative approval = Rs. 1281.00 Cr.
  (G.O.Ms. No.90 Dt.4-8-2009)
   Details of Rs. 1281.00 Cr
   a) Head works                        = Rs.390.00 Cr.
   b) Land Acquisition                 = Rs.264.13 Cr.
   c) R&R                                   = Rs.364.72 Cr.
   d) Environment&Ecology(Forest) = Rs.109.73 Cr.
   e) Others( incl. establishment)  = Rs.152.42 Cr.
                                              = Rs.1281.00 Cr.
•           Value of Work                  = Rs.314.96 Cr.
 (Agt. amount 268.87+ Supplemental items (Agt to be concluded)+Rs.46.09Cr)
 Supplemental items =SLB to DLB=22.45Cr.Raised trunnion=12.91Cr. & Extra   stilling Basin=10.73Cr.
•   Storage Capacity (Gross)            = 45.77 TMC
•   Live Capacity                            = 36.23 TMC 



  1. both the reports are really good and informative but the font colour has to be some thing different. Its really hard to read in yellow.....

  2. Thank you sir, We have used another template so earlier it was yellow, but now you can read it with out any trouble.



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